Title information
STCN ID303767286
TitlePredikaatsiën over verscheide godgeleerde en zedelyke onderwerpen. / By Isaak Watts. ; Translated after the 6th English impression. Preface by J. Boskoop
Edition2nd impression
ImprintLeyden, J. Le Mair, 1772
Bibliographic information
Extent2 volumes ; 125.25 sheets
Collationvolume 1: π1 2π1 *-7*4 A-3F4
volume 2: *-9*4 10*2 A-3F4 3G1, χ2 a-c4 d2
Fingerprintvolume 1: 177204 - a1 * rm : a2 7*3 zoude!$ik$zou - b1 A a : b2 3F3 ,$een$ie
volume 2: 177204 - a1 *2 $ge : a2 10* eten$een$lieffel - 1b1 A wa : 1b2 3G t$all - 2b1 [a] di : 2b2 [d] od
Additional information
Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Original languageEnglish
General NoteVolume 2 reissue of the edition Amsterdam, J. Haffman, 1748-1749; incorporates: D. Jennings, Predikaatsie gedaan by gelegenheid van den dood van [...] Isaak Watts, 1749
Uniform titleWorks. Dutch. Selection
Persons responsible
Record Information
Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-09 18:43:19