TitleGazophylacium medico-physicum, of Schat-kamer der genees- en natuur-kundige zaaken. / By Johan Jacob Woyt. ; Translated into Dutch after the 10th impression and enlarged by J.C. Schmellentin
ImprintAmsterdam, Janssoons van Waesberge, H. Vieroot, A. and I. Graal, 1741
TitleGazophylacium medico-physicum, of Schat-kamer der genees- en natuur-kundige zaaken. / By Johan Jacob Woyt. ; Translated into Dutch after the 10th impression and enlarged by J.C. Schmellentin
ImprintAmsterdam, Janssoons van Waesberge, H. Vieroot, A. and I. Graal, 1741