TitelDictionnaire geographique portatif. / By Laurent Echard. ; Translated after the 13th English edition. Corrected enlarged edition by Vosgien [pseudonym of J.B. Ladvocat]
ImpressumAmsterdam, for la compagnie, 1748
Bibliografische informatie
Omvang36 vellen
Collatie[a]4 b4 A-4A4 (lacks a2, blank?)
Vingerafdruk174808 - *a1=a2 b2 urt - b1 A d : b2 4A2 le$est$re
TitelDictionnaire geographique portatif. / By Laurent Echard. ; Translated after the 13th English edition. Corrected enlarged edition by Vosgien [pseudonym of J.B. Ladvocat]
ImpressumAmsterdam, for la compagnie, 1748
Bibliografische informatie
Omvang36 vellen
Collatie[a]4 b4 A-4A4 (lacks a2, blank?)
Vingerafdruk174808 - *a1=a2 b2 urt - b1 A d : b2 4A2 le$est$re