Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/274414198 274414198

Title information

STCN ID274414198
TitleLandtags Handlungen vnd vorgewesene streitige Sachen, so von den [...] Staten Generael [...] zwischen dem [...] Grafen zue Ostfrieszlandt [...] vnd derselbigen Graffschafft Stenden [...] decidiret
ImprintEmbden, gedruckt bey J. Mennen, 1656

Bibliographic information

Extent24.25 sheets
Collation?4(-?4) A-Z4 2A2
Fingerprint165604 - a1=a2 (?)2 olgen - b1 A e : b2 2A2 $Ge
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationGermany
Language of publicationGerman
Low German
Year of publication1656
General NoteTexts in German, Low German and Dutch
Geographical headingNederland →Thesaurus record

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-03 18:59:20


Sample pages

Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit: XG.05799:2

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Title information

STCN ID274414198
TitleLandtags Handlungen vnd vorgewesene streitige Sachen, so von den [...] Staten Generael [...] zwischen dem [...] Grafen zue Ostfrieszlandt [...] vnd derselbigen Graffschafft Stenden [...] decidiret
ImprintEmbden, gedruckt bey J. Mennen, 1656

Bibliographic information

Extent24.25 sheets
Collation?4(-?4) A-Z4 2A2
Fingerprint165604 - a1=a2 (?)2 olgen - b1 A e : b2 2A2 $Ge
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationGermany
Language of publicationGerman
Low German
Year of publication1656
General NoteTexts in German, Low German and Dutch
Geographical headingNederland →Thesaurus record

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-03 18:59:20
