Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/240273028 240273028

Title information

STCN ID240273028
TitleNaamlijst van Nederduitsche boeken [...] in ons vaderland uitgekomen
ImprintAmsteldam, A.B. Saakes, 1794-1804

Bibliographic information

Extent3 volumes ; 98.62 sheets
Collationvolume 1: π1 *2 A-T2 χA2 V-2K2 2L2(2L1+χ2L2) 2M-2V2 2A-B2 2C-D1 2E-2 2F1 2G2 2H1 2X-3K2 3L2(3L1+χ3L2) 3M-3X2 χ1 2I1 2K2 2L-X1 2Y-Z2 22A1 22B2 3Y-4A2 4B2(4B1+22C1) 4C-4X2 22D1 4Y2 4Z-5E4
volume 2: π1 A-3E2 3E3 3F-6L2 6M-6S4 (5I2 blank)
volume 3: π1 A-6E2 6F-6L4
Fingerprintvolume 1: 179408 - a1 * Go : a2 *2 $t - 1b1 A Am : *1b2 5C eemans - 2b1 A p : 2b2 2C ,
volume 1: 179408 - 1b1 A $A : *1b2 5C eemans
volume 2: 179908 - b1 A d : *b2 6K2 esentanten$v
volume 3: 180408 - b1 A $A : *b2 6E2 vetas,$op
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1794
General NotePublished in instalments from January 1790 to December 1803
Continued in the 19th century
Volume 1, instalment 1 in two different type-settings

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-04 02:09:14


Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek : HB-Zaal Boekh: Kast 2:1-3
lacks Aanhangsel 1-8
Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek : O 59-1507-1508 en 1510
volume 1 incomplete
lacks Aanhangsel 1-25 and Lijst van Almanacken voor het jaar 1791
Den Haag, KB nationale bibliotheek : LHO OD.A 12 NL AADA I-III
volume 1 only; incomplete

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Title information

STCN ID240273028
TitleNaamlijst van Nederduitsche boeken [...] in ons vaderland uitgekomen
ImprintAmsteldam, A.B. Saakes, 1794-1804

Bibliographic information

Extent3 volumes ; 98.62 sheets
Collationvolume 1: π1 *2 A-T2 χA2 V-2K2 2L2(2L1+χ2L2) 2M-2V2 2A-B2 2C-D1 2E-2 2F1 2G2 2H1 2X-3K2 3L2(3L1+χ3L2) 3M-3X2 χ1 2I1 2K2 2L-X1 2Y-Z2 22A1 22B2 3Y-4A2 4B2(4B1+22C1) 4C-4X2 22D1 4Y2 4Z-5E4
volume 2: π1 A-3E2 3E3 3F-6L2 6M-6S4 (5I2 blank)
volume 3: π1 A-6E2 6F-6L4
Fingerprintvolume 1: 179408 - a1 * Go : a2 *2 $t - 1b1 A Am : *1b2 5C eemans - 2b1 A p : 2b2 2C ,
volume 1: 179408 - 1b1 A $A : *1b2 5C eemans
volume 2: 179908 - b1 A d : *b2 6K2 esentanten$v
volume 3: 180408 - b1 A $A : *b2 6E2 vetas,$op
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1794
General NotePublished in instalments from January 1790 to December 1803
Continued in the 19th century
Volume 1, instalment 1 in two different type-settings

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-04 02:09:14


Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek : HB-Zaal Boekh: Kast 2:1-3
lacks Aanhangsel 1-8
Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek : O 59-1507-1508 en 1510
volume 1 incomplete
lacks Aanhangsel 1-25 and Lijst van Almanacken voor het jaar 1791
Den Haag, KB nationale bibliotheek : LHO OD.A 12 NL AADA I-III
volume 1 only; incomplete