TitelVeji defensi, seu Dissertatio, qua demonstratur antiquos Vejos hodiernam civitatem Castellanam esse. / By Jacobus Mazzocchius. ; Translated from the Italian into Latin, prefaced and annotated by A. Preigerus
ImpressumLugduni Batavorum, sumpt. P. vander Aa, [c. 1723]
Bibliografische informatie
Omvang9 vellen
Collatie*4(-*4) A-C4 D2 E1
Vingerafdruk000002 - a1=*a2 *2 it - b1 A m; : b2 E $
TitelVeji defensi, seu Dissertatio, qua demonstratur antiquos Vejos hodiernam civitatem Castellanam esse. / By Jacobus Mazzocchius. ; Translated from the Italian into Latin, prefaced and annotated by A. Preigerus
ImpressumLugduni Batavorum, sumpt. P. vander Aa, [c. 1723]
Bibliografische informatie
Omvang9 vellen
Collatie*4(-*4) A-C4 D2 E1
Vingerafdruk000002 - a1=*a2 *2 it - b1 A m; : b2 E $