001@ 020 001A 01996:27-09-01 001B 01996:03-08-20t23:27:22.000 001D 01996:03-08-20 001U 0utf8 001X 020 002@ 0Aav 003@ 0227918495 007P 0174508ca1 *2 $vi : a2 *4 $lucc*b1 A3 ap. : *b2 C2 t$P 010@ alatagrcagrc 011@ a1745 014@ 0x 014@ 0a 014@ 0i 014@ 0m 019@ aNL 021A a@De lapidum virtutibus.h`IT`By Psellus.jAnnotated by P.J. Maussac et al`LO` 022A a@De lapidum virtutibus. Greek and Latin 028A aPsellus90715829088Psellus, MichaelBaut 028C/01 dPhilip JacqusaMaussac90706481828Maussac, Philippe JacquesBoth 028C/01 dJoan. Steph.aBernard90698646678Bernard, Johannes StephanusBoth 033D aLugduni Batavorum, apud P. Bonk, 1745 (`IT`colophon:`LO` ex typ. Dammeana) 033J 91285656838Bonk, Phillippus 033J 90755438348Damme, Hendrik van (II) 034D a3.75 sheets 034I a8° 037A aText in Greek and Latin 101@ 020 101B 003-08-20t23:27:22.000 101U 0utf8 144Z/11 91554461508Medicine 147B/02 a*`SUP`6`LO` A-C`SUP`8`LO` 203@/01 050620202X 206W/01 0227918495 209A/01 fNL-AMUBaO 61-4593:2 203@/02 0470861983 206W/02 0227918495 209A/02 fNL-AMUBaO 63-4682:6 203@/03 0506891275 206W/03 0227918495 209A/03 fNL-AMUBaO 62-6806 203@/04 037827502X 206W/04 0227918495 209A/04 fNL-HAKBa535 H 4 203@/05 0458616982 206W/05 0227918495 209A/05 fNL-LEUBa681 B 14:4 203@/06 0507729587 206W/06 0227918495 209A/06 fNL-NIJUBaOD 873 c 29 nr.2 203@/07 0365498866 206W/07 0227918495 209A/07 fNL-UTUBaUtenhove oct. 294:1