001@ 020 001A 01996:09-07-01 001B 01996:09-12-22t17:49:20.000 001D 01996:09-12-22 001U 0utf8 001X 020 002@ 0Aav 003@ 0222329793 007P 0172308ca1 *3 Go : a2 3*3 $&$de$Tcb1 A $ : b2 2C5 fs$oo 010@ adutafrealatafre 011@ a1723 014@ 0x 014@ 0w 014@ 0a 014@ 0i 014@ 0k 019@ aNL 021A aLes @dieux et la religion des payens [...].fDii et religio ethnicorum [...].fDe goden en godsdienst der heydenen.h`IT`By P. Gautruche.jTranslated from the French into Dutch by F. Halma`LO` 028A dP.aGautruche90706751208Gautruche, PierreBaut 028C/01 dF.aHalma90683817008Halma, FrançoisBoth 032@ a5th impression 033D aUtrecht, `IT`printed by`LO` J. Visch, 1723 033J 91376656798Visch, Johan 034D a28.5 sheets 034I a8° 037A aReissue of the edition Amsteldam, J. van Hardenberg, 1700 101@ 020 101B 009-12-22t17:49:20.000 101U 0utf8 144Z/11 91554454648Theology (non-christian and non-jewish religions) 144Z/12 91554456508History (antiquity) 147B/02 a*-2*`SUP`8`LO` 3*`SUP`4`LO` A-2C`SUP`8`LO` 203@/01 0357536363 206W/01 0222329793 209A/01 fNL-UTUBa517 G 13 209O/01 a3