Onomasticum Graece & Latine. : 2 parts. / By Julius Pollux. ; Edited by W. Seber. Annotated by J.H. Lederlinus and T. Hemsterhuis. -- Amstelaedami, ex off. Wetsteniana, 1706. -- 256 sheets ; 2° Signature Formula: a⁴(a2+π²) b-e⁴ f⁶ A-4Q⁴ 4R² 4S-8P⁴ ²a-y⁴ ²z⁶. -- Fingerprint: 170602 - a1 (a5) xisti : *a2 (f3) tiner - b1 A $ : b2 8P3 ia$IV - *c1 a3 II, : c2 z4 eli. -- Half-title and title in Greek and Latin [STCN ID: 215165144]