Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/207230005 Vianden

Title information

STCN ID207230005
TitlePro Græcâ & genuinâ linguæ Græcæ pronvnciatione [...] orationes apologeticæ. / By Joh. Rodolfus Wetstenius
ImprintBasileae, typ J. Bertschii, Amsterodami, prost. apud H. Wetstenium, 1680 (title-page a1: 1681)

Bibliographic information

Extent24 sheets
Collation):(8 A-V8 a-c8
Fingerprint168008 - a1 ):(2 ur,$ : a2 ):(5 imi - 1b1 A a : *1b2 V4 ras$ - 2b1 a2 mus : 2b2 c5$as
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationSwitzerland
Language of publicationLatin
Year of publication1680
General NoteGathering ):(, A-V another issue of the edition Amstelædami, H. Wetstenium, 1681
Uniform titlePro Græca et genuina linguæ Græcæ pronunciatione

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-04 14:39:43


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Title information

STCN ID207230005
TitlePro Græcâ & genuinâ linguæ Græcæ pronvnciatione [...] orationes apologeticæ. / By Joh. Rodolfus Wetstenius
ImprintBasileae, typ J. Bertschii, Amsterodami, prost. apud H. Wetstenium, 1680 (title-page a1: 1681)

Bibliographic information

Extent24 sheets
Collation):(8 A-V8 a-c8
Fingerprint168008 - a1 ):(2 ur,$ : a2 ):(5 imi - 1b1 A a : *1b2 V4 ras$ - 2b1 a2 mus : 2b2 c5$as
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationSwitzerland
Language of publicationLatin
Year of publication1680
General NoteGathering ):(, A-V another issue of the edition Amstelædami, H. Wetstenium, 1681
Uniform titlePro Græca et genuina linguæ Græcæ pronunciatione

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-04 14:39:43
