Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/203380622 Reimarus, Nikolaus

Title information

STCN ID203380622
TitleHandvesten, octroyen, privilegien en regten, aan [...] Vlaardingen [...] vergunt
ImprintUtrecht, J. van Schoonhoven en comp. booksellers, 1775

Bibliographic information

Extent23 sheets
Collationπ1 *-2*2 A-P2 Q2 Q3 R-6C2 6D6(-6D6) 6E1 χ1 2A-2P2 3A-E2 (3E2 blank)
Fingerprint177502 - a1 * n$ : *a2 2* $D - 1b1 A $B : *1b2 6B id$van$de$p - 2b1 A r : 2b2 2P2 ad$in - 3b1 A2 erni : 3b2 E d
177502 - a1 * n$ : *a2 2* $D - 1b1 A r : *1b2 6B id$van$de$p - 2b1 A r : 2b2 2P2 ad$in - 3b1 A2 erni : 3b2 E d
Typographical featurestitle-page in multiple colours

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1775
General NoteReissue of the edition 'sGraaven-haage, J. Gaillard, 1772
Incorporates: A. Hoogvliet, Eerkroon voor de stede Vlaerdinge, 1771
Geographical headingVlaardingen (1775) →Thesaurus record

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-04 13:49:39


Sample pages

Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek: OVERV. 174

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Title information

STCN ID203380622
TitleHandvesten, octroyen, privilegien en regten, aan [...] Vlaardingen [...] vergunt
ImprintUtrecht, J. van Schoonhoven en comp. booksellers, 1775

Bibliographic information

Extent23 sheets
Collationπ1 *-2*2 A-P2 Q2 Q3 R-6C2 6D6(-6D6) 6E1 χ1 2A-2P2 3A-E2 (3E2 blank)
Fingerprint177502 - a1 * n$ : *a2 2* $D - 1b1 A $B : *1b2 6B id$van$de$p - 2b1 A r : 2b2 2P2 ad$in - 3b1 A2 erni : 3b2 E d
177502 - a1 * n$ : *a2 2* $D - 1b1 A r : *1b2 6B id$van$de$p - 2b1 A r : 2b2 2P2 ad$in - 3b1 A2 erni : 3b2 E d
Typographical featurestitle-page in multiple colours

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1775
General NoteReissue of the edition 'sGraaven-haage, J. Gaillard, 1772
Incorporates: A. Hoogvliet, Eerkroon voor de stede Vlaerdinge, 1771
Geographical headingVlaardingen (1775) →Thesaurus record

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-04 13:49:39
