TitleAanleiding om stichtelyk te prediken, tot gebruik van homiletische voorleezingen. / By Siegm. Jacob Baumgarten. ; Translated from the German and ann. by J.M. Wild
ImprintAmsterdam, A. Eichhorn bookseller, 1771
Bibliographic information
Extent12.5 sheets
Collation*-3*8 4*4 A-I8 (lacks I 7,8, blank?)
Fingerprint177108 - a1 *2 H : a2 4*3 id$der$u - b1 A $d : b2 I5 n
TitleAanleiding om stichtelyk te prediken, tot gebruik van homiletische voorleezingen. / By Siegm. Jacob Baumgarten. ; Translated from the German and ann. by J.M. Wild
ImprintAmsterdam, A. Eichhorn bookseller, 1771
Bibliographic information
Extent12.5 sheets
collation*-3*8 4*4 A-I8 (lacks I 7,8, blank?)
fingerprint177108 - a1 *2 H : a2 4*3 id$der$u - b1 A $d : b2 I5 n