001@ 020 001A 01996:23-05-00 001B 01996:04-08-20t12:45:25.000 001D 01996:04-08-20 001U 0utf8 001X 020 002@ 0Aav 003@ 0194196143 007P 0176408ca1=a2 *3 s$cb1 A ' : b2 Y3 $E 010@ afreaeng 011@ a1764 014@ 0x 014@ 0i 014@ 0f 019@ aNL 021A a@Examen du ministère de mr. Pitt.h`IT`[By John Almon].jTranslated from the English by J. de Champigny`LO` 022A aA @review of Mr. Pitt's administration. French 028A dJohnaAlmon906976185X8Almon, JohnBaut 028C/01 aChampigny91556820598colonel chevalier de ChampignyBoth 033D aLa Haye, P. Gosse jun. `IT`and`LO` D. Pinet, 1764 033J 91360578538Gosse junior, Pierre 033J 91365849508Pinet, Daniel 034D a22 sheets 034I a8° 101@ 020 101B 004-08-20t12:45:25.000 101U 0utf8 144Z/11 91554467548History (Germany, Central Europe) 144Z/12 91554461778Political science 144Z/13 91554468438History (Great Britain and Ireland) 144Z/14 91554456428Period documents 147B/02 a*`SUP`4`LO` A-X`SUP`8`LO` Y`SUP`4`LO` 203@/01 0323396984 206W/01 0194196143 209A/01 fNL-HAKBa892 D 2 203@/02 0413083527 206W/02 0194196143 209A/02 fNL-UTUBaS oct. 5574 203@/03 0508030617 206W/03 0194196143 209A/03 fGB-LBLa1488.c.11