Theodicée of Proeven over Gods goedheid, 'smensen vryheid, en den oorsprong van het kwaad. / By G.W. Leibnitz. ; Translated into Dutch and annotated by J. Petsch. -- 2nd corrected enlarged impression. -- Utrecht, S. de Waal, 1782. -- 2 (80.5 sheets) ; 8° Signature Formula: Pt. 1: π² *⁴ πA-F⁸ πG⁸(-G8) ²πA-G⁸ A-R⁸ S⁴(-S4), ²A-P⁸ (²P7,8 blank); Pt. 2: π² A-2O⁸. -- Fingerprint: volume 1: 178208 - 1a1 *3 Le : 1a2 *4 .$97. - 2a1 A s : 2a2 G4 rie - 3a1 A d : 3a2 G5 t,$ - 1b1 A a : 1b2 S3 eer - 2b1 A g : 2b2 P5 gel; volume 2: 178208 - b1 A en : b2 2O5 Over. -- Volume 1 in 2 parts [STCN ID: 190129913]