Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/186432852 Beckmann, Dorothea Magdalena

Title information

STCN ID186432852
TitleAlgemeen magazyn van wetenschap, konst en smaak
ImprintAmsterdam, erven P. Meijer and G. Warnars, 1785-1799

Bibliographic information

Extent10 volumes
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1785
General NotePeriodical
Title volumes 6-10: Nieuw algemeen magazyn, van wetenschap, konst en smaak, volumes 1-5
Volume 10: Amsterdam, G. Warnars

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typePeriodical
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-11 14:48:22


only Betoog dat de vrees voor heerschende ziekten in de daad een middel is om besmetting deezer ziekten te bevorderen
only Natuurkundige verhandeling over den invloed der uitwaasseming op het dierlyk leeven
volumes 1-5
volumes 1-10
volumes 1-10. – Digital copy Delpher - [Part 1.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 1.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 2.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 2.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 3.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 3.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 4.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 4.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 5.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 5.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 1.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 1.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 2.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 2.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 3.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 3.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 4.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 4.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 5.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 5.2]
volumes 1-5
volumes 6-10
volumes 1-5

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Title information

STCN ID186432852
TitleAlgemeen magazyn van wetenschap, konst en smaak
ImprintAmsterdam, erven P. Meijer and G. Warnars, 1785-1799

Bibliographic information

Extent10 volumes
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1785
General NotePeriodical
Title volumes 6-10: Nieuw algemeen magazyn, van wetenschap, konst en smaak, volumes 1-5
Volume 10: Amsterdam, G. Warnars

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typePeriodical
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-11 14:48:22


only Betoog dat de vrees voor heerschende ziekten in de daad een middel is om besmetting deezer ziekten te bevorderen
only Natuurkundige verhandeling over den invloed der uitwaasseming op het dierlyk leeven
volumes 1-5
volumes 1-10
volumes 1-10. – Digital copy Delpher - [Part 1.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 1.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 2.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 2.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 3.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 3.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 4.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 4.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 5.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 5.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 1.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 1.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 2.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 2.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 3.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 3.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 4.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 4.2] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 5.1] ‐ Digital copy Delpher - [Part 5.2]
volumes 1-5
volumes 6-10
volumes 1-5