Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/186400330 186400330

Title information

STCN ID186400330
TitleVerhandelingen van het genootschap; onder de zinspreuk, Floreant liberales artes. : 3 parts
ImprintAmsterdam, G. Warnars, 1771-1780

Bibliographic information

Extent2 volumes ; 58 sheets
Collationvolume 1: *6 A-E8 F8(F4+χ1) G-2A8
volume 2: π1 *2 [2*]1 A-I8 2*8(-*1) 22*8 2A-X8 Y6
Fingerprintvolume 1: 177108 - a1 *2 G : a2 *4 oor - b1 A2 nho : b2 2A5 em$o
volume 2: 178008 - 1a1=1a2 *2 afz - 1b1 A2 e$ : 1b2 I5 en - 2a1 *2 ele : 2a2 2*5 Stad - 2b1 A n : 2b2 Y4 t$be
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1771
General NoteInstalments published between 1771 and 1780
Contents volume 1: D. Meese, Verhandeling over de paalwormen; P. Hartman, Verhandeling over de paalwormen; and W. de Vos, Verhandeling over het huwlyk
Contents volume 2, part 1: J. Nierop, Verhandeling over de zee-stranden; and J. van Houweningen, Verhandeling over het verdiepen van het Y
Contents volume 2, part 2: H. Calkoen, Verhandelingen over het voorkomen en straffen der misdaaden

Persons responsible

Author/ContributorMeese, David [Contributor] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-11 14:48:19


Calkoen only
Meese and Hartman only
Calkoen only
Nierop only
Van Houwingen only
preliminaries, Meese and Hartman only
Nierop only
Calkoen only; lacks title-page
De Vos only
Calkoen only
Nierop only
Meese and Hartman only
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Title information

STCN ID186400330
TitleVerhandelingen van het genootschap; onder de zinspreuk, Floreant liberales artes. : 3 parts
ImprintAmsterdam, G. Warnars, 1771-1780

Bibliographic information

Extent2 volumes ; 58 sheets
Collationvolume 1: *6 A-E8 F8(F4+χ1) G-2A8
volume 2: π1 *2 [2*]1 A-I8 2*8(-*1) 22*8 2A-X8 Y6
Fingerprintvolume 1: 177108 - a1 *2 G : a2 *4 oor - b1 A2 nho : b2 2A5 em$o
volume 2: 178008 - 1a1=1a2 *2 afz - 1b1 A2 e$ : 1b2 I5 en - 2a1 *2 ele : 2a2 2*5 Stad - 2b1 A n : 2b2 Y4 t$be
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1771
General NoteInstalments published between 1771 and 1780
Contents volume 1: D. Meese, Verhandeling over de paalwormen; P. Hartman, Verhandeling over de paalwormen; and W. de Vos, Verhandeling over het huwlyk
Contents volume 2, part 1: J. Nierop, Verhandeling over de zee-stranden; and J. van Houweningen, Verhandeling over het verdiepen van het Y
Contents volume 2, part 2: H. Calkoen, Verhandelingen over het voorkomen en straffen der misdaaden

Persons responsible

Author/ContributorMeese, David [Contributor] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-11 14:48:19


Calkoen only
Meese and Hartman only
Calkoen only
Nierop only
Van Houwingen only
preliminaries, Meese and Hartman only
Nierop only
Calkoen only; lacks title-page
De Vos only
Calkoen only
Nierop only
Meese and Hartman only
Calkoen only
Calkoen only ; copy 1
Calkoen only ; copy 2
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