001@ $020 001A $01996:04-06-98 001B $01996:09-12-22$t17:22:02.000 001D $01996:09-12-22 001U $0utf8 001X $020 002@ $0Aav 003@ $0170174204 007P $0178908$cb1 A n : b2 M5 ite 010@ $adut$ager 011@ $a1789 014@ $0x 014@ $0i 019@ $aNL 021A $aDe @roovers, een treurspel.$h`IT`By Friedrich Schiller.$jTranslated from the German`LO` 022A $aDie @Räuber. Dutch 028A $dFriedrich$aSchiller$906828151X$8Schiller, Friedrich von$Baut 032@ $aCorrected edition 033D $aUtrecht, wed. S. de Waal `IT`and`LO` zoon, 1789 033J $9138239371$8Waal, Samuel de (wed.) 033J $9138239126$8Waal Samsz, Jan de 034D $a12.25 sheets 034I $a8° 101@ $020 101B $009-12-22$t17:22:02.000 101U $0utf8 144Z/11 $9155446681$8German language and literature 144Z/12 $9155445545$8Drama 144Z/13 $9155445278$8Poetry 147B/02 $aπ`SUP`2`LO` A-M`SUP`8`LO` (lacks M8, blank?) 203@/01 $0547063164 206W/01 $0170174204 209A/01 $fNL-AMUB$aOK 63-7372 209S/01 $zIllustration$0jpeg$ahttps://resolver.kb.nl/resolve?urn=stcn:170174204:01 203@/02 $0263155447 206W/02 $0170174204 209A/02 $fNL-UTUB$aTe Winkel 652