--- _id: 161339921 data: country: - NL date: 1793 extent: collation: - part: 0 value: '*-3*`SUP`2`LO`' sheets: 3 feature: - y - i fingerprint: - format: 02 formula: - 'a1 * ot : a2 3*2 f$Smal' year: 0000 format: value: b holdings: - _id: 249259680 data: hostItemId: 161339921 institution: NL-HAKB institutionName: 'Den Haag, KB nationale bibliotheek' institutionNameVariants: - H shelfmark: 549 A 7:2 meta: flag: - 3 sequence: 01 type: c - _id: 51073605X data: hostItemId: 161339921 institution: NL-NIJUB institutionName: 'Nijmegen, Universiteitsbibliotheek' institutionNameVariants: - N shelfmark: OD 40 a 5 meta: flag: - 3 sequence: 02 type: c - _id: 513359869 data: hostItemId: 161339921 institution: NL-NIJUB institutionName: 'Nijmegen, Universiteitsbibliotheek' institutionNameVariants: - N shelfmark: OD 181 a 1 meta: flag: - 3 sequence: 03 type: c imprint: normalised: '[Haarlem, J. Enschedé `IT`and`LO` zoonen, 1793]' index: titleWord: - '@Lijst' language: - dut provisionAgent: - external: _id: 135772885 data: address: - dates: 1733-1734 text: 'Spekstraat (de), Vlees-hal (over de)' - dates: 1736 text: Grote Houtstraat (de) country: - NL flag: century: 7 entitySubType: m function: 3 placeType: 1 imprintName: - addition: I name: 'Enschedé, Johannes' typeOfName: head - name: 'Enschede, Joh.' typeOfName: varn - name: 'Enschediorum, typis' typeOfName: varn nonpublicNote: - 'Haarlem 1733-1780. Opm.: tot 1761 alleen samen met zijn vader Izaak, vanaf 1773 met zijn zoons Johannes (II) en Jacobus, als Johannes Enschedé en zoonen. Overleden 21-11-1780' occupation: - dates: '1733-1734, 1740' text: printer - dates: '1737-1770, 1775' text: town printer - dates: '1753-1754, 1763, 1773' text: bookseller - dates: '1752, 1762' text: printer to the Militia place: - dates: 1733-1780 text: Haarlem related: - id: 135772745 intro: Predecessor typeOfRelationship: ex:parent - id: 135772915 typeOfRelationship: ex:child - id: 135772842 typeOfRelationship: ex:child - id: 135772729 typeOfRelationship: ex:child sign: - dates: 1733 text: Land van Beloften (in't) - text: Wapen van Haarlem type: impr meta: type: a id: 135772885 - external: _id: 135772729 data: country: - NL flag: century: 8 entitySubType: m function: 1 placeType: 1 imprintName: - name: 'Enschedé, Abraham' typeOfName: head nonpublicNote: - 'Haarlem 1784-18... Opm.: alleen samen met zijn broer Joh. (II) en diens weduwe; zie aldaar' - 'Alleen zijn drukkersproef uit 1784 is op eigen naam (15144014X), verder steeds als J. Enschedé en zoonen' note: - Worked together with his brother Johannes II (and after Johannes's death with his widow and her son Johannes III) as J. Enschedé en zoonen occupation: - dates: '1787-1788, 1793, 1795' text: town printer - dates: 1788 text: printer to the Militia place: - dates: 1784-1800 text: Haarlem related: - id: '135772885 ' typeOfRelationship: ex:parent - id: 135772915 typeOfRelationship: ex:sibling - id: 135772842 typeOfRelationship: ex:sibling type: impr meta: type: a id: 135772729 - external: _id: 135772915 data: activityDates: end: 1800 start: 1773 country: - NL flag: century: 7 entitySubType: m function: 1 placeType: 1 imprintName: - addition: II name: 'Enschedé, Johannes' typeOfName: head - name: 'Enschediorum, typis' typeOfName: varn nonpublicNote: - 'Haarlem 1773-1800. Opm.: alleen samen met zijn broer Jacobus (tot 1783) en Abraham (vanaf 1784), als Johannes Enschedé `IT`and`LO` zoonen. Overleden 29-07-1799' note: - 'Succeeded by his widow, his son Johannes III and his brother Abraham as J. Enschedé en zoonen' occupation: - dates: '1787-1795, 1800' text: town printer - dates: 1788 text: printer to the Militia place: - dates: 1773-1800 text: Haarlem related: - id: 135772885 intro: Predecessor typeOfRelationship: ex:parent - id: 135773032 intro: Successor typeOfRelationship: ex:spouse - id: 135783453 intro: Successor typeOfRelationship: ex:child - id: 135772729 typeOfRelationship: ex:sibling - id: 135772842 typeOfRelationship: ex:sibling type: impr meta: type: a id: 135772915 subjectPlace: - external: _id: 075586614 data: prefLabel: Haarlem type: splc meta: type: a id: 075586614 subjectTopic: - external: _id: 15544607X data: altLabel: - Public administration - Social administration - Administration (public and social) - Bestuurskunde prefLabel: Public and social administration type: stpc meta: type: a id: 15544607X - external: _id: 155445162 data: altLabel: - Government publications - Official publications - Overheidspublicaties prefLabel: State publications type: sgen meta: type: a id: 155445162 title: - part: - mainTitle: '@Lyst der stukken, in de drie Vervolgen van de keuren der stad Haerlem vervat' - subTitle: '`IT`Part 1`LO`' script: b type: ti type: mono meta: history: - timestamp: 1997-09-04T12:00:00Z - timestamp: 2020-08-03T16:09:29Z status: v type: b