Title information
STCN ID157460010
TitleVerklaaringe van de statuten, ordonnantien, reglementen en costumen van rechte in Friesland. / By Simon Binckes
ImprintLeeuwarden, G. Tresling bookseller, 1785-1786
Bibliographic information
Extent4 volumes ; 136 sheets
Collationvolume 1: *8 2*2 A-2R8 2S6 (2S6 blank)
volume 2: π2 A-Q8 R6 (-R6)
volume 3: *4(-*4) A-2O8 2P2 (lacks 2P2, blank?)
volume 4: *4(-*4) A-2Q8 2R1
Fingerprintvolume 1: 178508 - a1 *2 tair : *a2 2* 17 - b1 A $N : b2 2S5 t,$
volume 2: 178508 - b1 A t : b2 R5 eid
volume 2: 178508 - b1 A st : b2 R5 eid
volume 3: 178508 - *a1=a2 *3 ien - b1 A $ : b2 2P ti
volume 3: 178508 - *a1=a2 *3 ien - b1 A $ : b2 2P tin
volume 4: 178608 - a1=*a2 *2 $ - b1 A $e : *b2 2Q5 aang
Additional information
Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Persons responsible
Record Information
Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2023-05-15 12:24:53