Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/151395128 151395128

Title information

STCN ID151395128
TitleTreurig tegengift tot genesinge der wreede blydtschap van die hun verheugen dat [...] Petrus Codde syn leven in de wederspannigheydt tegen den apostolicken stoel geeyndigt heeft. Ofte Beantwoordinge van het [...] Beknopt verhaal vant' leven en sterven van den [...] aertsbisschop van Sebaste. / By P.B.D.S.T.D
ImprintAken, printed by A. Metternich, 1711

Bibliographic information

Extent3.5 sheets
CollationA-C4 D2
Fingerprint171104 - b1 A2 $A : b2 D '
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationGermany
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1711
General NotePrinted in the Netherlands

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-03 02:38:49


lacks gathering D

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Title information

STCN ID151395128
TitleTreurig tegengift tot genesinge der wreede blydtschap van die hun verheugen dat [...] Petrus Codde syn leven in de wederspannigheydt tegen den apostolicken stoel geeyndigt heeft. Ofte Beantwoordinge van het [...] Beknopt verhaal vant' leven en sterven van den [...] aertsbisschop van Sebaste. / By P.B.D.S.T.D
ImprintAken, printed by A. Metternich, 1711

Bibliographic information

Extent3.5 sheets
CollationA-C4 D2
Fingerprint171104 - b1 A2 $A : b2 D '
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationGermany
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1711
General NotePrinted in the Netherlands

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-03 02:38:49


lacks gathering D