Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/139278818 Chigi, Flavio

Title information

STCN ID139278818
TitleBiblia: dat is, De gantsche Heylighe Schriftuere
ImprintDelf, (colophon: printed by) B.H. Schinckel, 1595

Bibliographic information

Extent227 sheets
Collationa<***>-b<***>8 A-Z8 a8 b10 2A-2S8 2T6 3A-3L8 3M6
Fingerprint159502 - a1 a<***>2 onden$o : a2 b<***>4 s$12.$1.$D - 1b1 A he : 1b2 b6 t,$al - 2b1 2A2 losset$ : 2b2 2T4 Ioden - 3b1 3A2 adde:$ : 3b2 3M4 der$stemme
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1595
General NoteDeux Aes translation
Another issue of the editions s'Graven-haghe, A. Heyndrickss, Delff, B.H. Schinckel, 1595; and Delf, B.H. Schinkel, Dordrecht, J. Troyens, 1595
Bibliographical referenceP. Valkema Blouw, Typographia Batava, 1541-1600 (1998), 613
Uniform titleBible Dutch Deux Aes

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-11-08 18:24:43


Sample pages

Haarlem, Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap: 31"1595"-Deux(Schi)
Haarlem, Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap: 31"1595"-Deux(Schi)
Haarlem, Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap: 31"1595"-Deux(Schi)
Haarlem, Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap: 31"1595"-Deux(Schi)

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Title information

STCN ID139278818
TitleBiblia: dat is, De gantsche Heylighe Schriftuere
ImprintDelf, (colophon: printed by) B.H. Schinckel, 1595

Bibliographic information

Extent227 sheets
Collationa<***>-b<***>8 A-Z8 a8 b10 2A-2S8 2T6 3A-3L8 3M6
Fingerprint159502 - a1 a<***>2 onden$o : a2 b<***>4 s$12.$1.$D - 1b1 A he : 1b2 b6 t,$al - 2b1 2A2 losset$ : 2b2 2T4 Ioden - 3b1 3A2 adde:$ : 3b2 3M4 der$stemme
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1595
General NoteDeux Aes translation
Another issue of the editions s'Graven-haghe, A. Heyndrickss, Delff, B.H. Schinckel, 1595; and Delf, B.H. Schinkel, Dordrecht, J. Troyens, 1595
Bibliographical referenceP. Valkema Blouw, Typographia Batava, 1541-1600 (1998), 613
Uniform titleBible Dutch Deux Aes

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-11-08 18:24:43
