STCN ID115851496
TitelNonni, antiquissimi scriptoris, S. Evangelii secvndvm Iohannem metaphrasis. Et in eam Danielis Heinsii Aristarchvs, siue Exercitationes sacræ
ErscheinungsvermerkLvgdvni Batavorvm, ex off. B. and A. Elzevir. typ., 1627
Bibliographische Daten
Umfang61.25 Druckbögen
Bogensignatur*8(±*1) 2*-7*8 8*2 A-Q8 R4 a-2o8 2p4
Fingerprint162708 - a1 *2 io : a2 8*2 $som.$518.$att - *1b1 A2 ns$ : 1b2 Q5 es$ôr - 2b1 a2 n : 2b2 2p3 es$q
162708 - a1 *2 io : a2 7*5 que$dubita
Weitere Angaben
FußnotenText in Greek (paraphrase by Nonnus with Bible Greek, N.T. John) and Latin (translation of Nonnus) on facing pages (folia A1v-P1r). Includes (gatherings a-2p): D. Heinsius, Aristarchus sacer
Nonnus with end-notes and Greek index by F. Sylburg
Some copies without catchword 7*8v and without gathering 8*; folium 8*2r-v Errata in Aristarcho (Copinger 2151 and Rahir 238)
Another issue of the edition Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex off. B. and A. Elsevir., 1627, entitled Aristarchvs sacer, sive ad Nonni in Iohannem metaphrasin exercitationes
Bibliographische NachweisA. Willems, Les Elzevier, 276 note
EinheitssachtitelBible Greek. N.T. Gospels. John
Verantwortliche Personen
Angaben zum Datensatz
Bibliographische GattungMonographie
Statuskontrolliert (v)
Letzte Änderung2022-10-04 12:29:03
title-page defective; with gathering 8*