001@ 020 001A 01996:25-02-93 001B 01996:09-12-22t16:57:38.000 001D 01996:09-12-22 001U 0utf8 001X 020 002@ 0Abv 003@ 0103920544 007P 0169112ca1 * r : a2 *7 r$d 010@ afre 011@ a1691 014@ 0z 014@ 0x 014@ 0h 014@ 0i 019@ aNL 021A aLes @oeuvres.d`IT`6 parts.hBy Moliere`LO` 022A a@Works 028A aMoliere906841501X8MolièreBaut 032@ aEnlarged edition 033D aAmsterdam, H. Wetstein, 1691 (`IT`other title-pages:`LO` 1692-1693; G. Le Jeune, 1684, 1689; `IT`copy:`LO` Paris, 1688-1693) 033J 90755647188Wetstein, Henricus 033J 90755521678Le Jeune, Jacques 033J 90755668858s.n. Paris 033J 90755667458S.l.s.n. 034D a1.17 sheets 034I a12° 047H aE. Rahir, Catalogue d'une collection unique de volumes imprimés par les Elzevier et divers typographes hollandais du XVIIe siècle (1896), 2896 101@ 020 101B 009-12-22t16:57:38.000 101U 0utf8 144Z/11 91554468008French language and literature 144Z/12 91554452788Poetry 144Z/13 91554455458Drama 147B/02 a1#π`SUP`2`LO` *`SUP`12`LO` (and 5 plays) 2#π1 (and 6 plays) 3#π1 (and 5 plays) 4#π1 (and 4 plays) 5#π1 (and 4 plays) 6#π1 (and 2 plays)π`SUP`2`LO` *`SUP`12`LO` and 26 separately entered plays 203@/01 015711175X 206W/01 0103920544 209A/01 fNL-AMUBa608 G 1-6 203@/02 0223984132 206W/02 0103920544 209A/02 fNL-AMUBa344 G 3 209O/02 a2 237A/02 avolume 1 only