Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/090874749 Schillinger, Franz

Title information

STCN ID090874749
TitlePosthvmvs pacianvs; sev Definitiones [...] Iulii Pacii [...] posthumæ, insigni auctu, & divisionum [...] novatæ. / By Joan. Arn. Corvinus. ; 2nd enlarged edition by A.J. Ravens
ImprintAmstelædami, apud L. and D. Elzevirios, 1659

Bibliographic information

Extent21.5 sheets
Collation*6 A-V12 X-Y6 (Y5,6 blank)
Fingerprint165912 - a1 *2 litu : a2 *4 $pr - b1 A e : b2 Y3 O$e
Typographical featurestitle-page in multiple colours

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationLatin
Year of publication1659
Bibliographical referenceA. Willems, Les Elzevier (1880), 1243
Subject headingLaw →Thesaurus record

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-11-16 15:29:10


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Title information

STCN ID090874749
TitlePosthvmvs pacianvs; sev Definitiones [...] Iulii Pacii [...] posthumæ, insigni auctu, & divisionum [...] novatæ. / By Joan. Arn. Corvinus. ; 2nd enlarged edition by A.J. Ravens
ImprintAmstelædami, apud L. and D. Elzevirios, 1659

Bibliographic information

Extent21.5 sheets
Collation*6 A-V12 X-Y6 (Y5,6 blank)
Fingerprint165912 - a1 *2 litu : a2 *4 $pr - b1 A e : b2 Y3 O$e
Typographical featurestitle-page in multiple colours

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationLatin
Year of publication1659
Bibliographical referenceA. Willems, Les Elzevier (1880), 1243
Subject headingLaw →Thesaurus record

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-11-16 15:29:10
