Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/082105804Hydra socinianismi expugnata: sive Johannis Volkelii Misnici, De vera religione, (ut falsò inscribuntur) libri quinque [...] cum [...] refutatione exacta. / By Samuel Maresius

Title information

STCN ID082105804
TitleHydra socinianismi expugnata: sive Johannis Volkelii Misnici, De vera religione, (ut falsò inscribuntur) libri quinque [...] cum [...] refutatione exacta. / By Samuel Maresius
ImprintGroningæ, apud J. Nicolaum typ., 1651 (volume 2: apud vid. J. Nicolai typ., 1654; volume 3: typ. F. Bronchorstii, 1662)

Bibliographic information

extent3 volumes ; 343 sheets
collationvol 1: π2 §4 *-2*4 A-5Q4
vol 2: *4 2*1 A-5N4 5O1
vol 3: *-5*4 A-6E4
fingerprintvol 1: 165104 - 1a1 § on : 1a2 §3 hi - 2a1 (*) di : 2a2 (2*)3 $profi - b1 A d : *b2 5F2 $ex$im
vol 2: 165404 - a1 (*)2 is$illius : a2 (2*) mini - b1 A t, : *b2 5N2 anæ$per$p
vol 3: 166204 - a1 * ni : *a2 5*2 ore,$utere - b1 A t : *b2 6E onas$Tri



Persons responsible

Author/ContributorMaresius, Samuel [Author] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-02 03:01:38


lacks volume 3
lacks volume 3. – Illustration - [title-page volume 1] ‐ Illustration - [title-page volume 2]
lacks volume 3
Cambridge, University Library : Peterborough.G.1.22-
lacks volume 1. – Illustration - [title-page volume 3]

Sample pages

Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit: XI.00038
Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit: XI.00038
London, Dr. Williams's Library: 2037.C.5-6

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Title information

STCN ID082105804
TitleHydra socinianismi expugnata: sive Johannis Volkelii Misnici, De vera religione, (ut falsò inscribuntur) libri quinque [...] cum [...] refutatione exacta. / By Samuel Maresius
ImprintGroningæ, apud J. Nicolaum typ., 1651 (volume 2: apud vid. J. Nicolai typ., 1654; volume 3: typ. F. Bronchorstii, 1662)

Bibliographic information

Extent3 volumes ; 343 sheets
Collationvolume 1: π2 §4 *-2*4 A-5Q4
volume 2: *4 2*1 A-5N4 5O1
volume 3: *-5*4 A-6E4
Fingerprintvolume 1: 165104 - 1a1 § on : 1a2 §3 hi - 2a1 (*) di : 2a2 (2*)3 $profi - b1 A d : *b2 5F2 $ex$im
volume 2: 165404 - a1 (*)2 is$illius : a2 (2*) mini - b1 A t, : *b2 5N2 anæ$per$p
volume 3: 166204 - a1 * ni : *a2 5*2 ore,$utere - b1 A t : *b2 6E onas$Tri
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationLatin
Year of publication1651

Persons responsible

Author/ContributorMaresius, Samuel [Author] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-02 03:01:38


lacks volume 3
lacks volume 3. – Illustration - [title-page volume 1] ‐ Illustration - [title-page volume 2]
lacks volume 3
Cambridge, University Library : Peterborough.G.1.22-
lacks volume 1. – Illustration - [title-page volume 3]