TitelAphorismi. Ofte Grond-vesten der christelijcker religie. / By Joannes Piscator. ; Translated (into Dutch after the 7th Latin impression) and enlarged by P. Jacobi
ErscheinungsvermerkAmstelredam, for D. Pietersz. (colophon: Vtrecht, printed by A. van Herwijck), 1614
Bibliographische Daten
Umfang25 Druckbögen
Bogensignatur<...>8 A-2A8 (2A7,8 blank)
Fingerprint161408 - a1 (<...>)2 sijn$C : a2 (<...>)5 eeuvv - b1 A s : b2 2A5 Ende
TitelAphorismi. Ofte Grond-vesten der christelijcker religie. / By Joannes Piscator. ; Translated (into Dutch after the 7th Latin impression) and enlarged by P. Jacobi
ErscheinungsvermerkAmstelredam, for D. Pietersz. (colophon: Vtrecht, printed by A. van Herwijck), 1614
Bibliographische Daten
Umfang25 Druckbögen
Bogensignatur<...>8 A-2A8 (2A7,8 blank)
Fingerprint161408 - a1 (<...>)2 sijn$C : a2 (<...>)5 eeuvv - b1 A s : b2 2A5 Ende