Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/05678306X 05678306X

Title information

STCN ID05678306X
TitleHet tweede en sesde boek uit P. Virgilius Maroos Eneas. / Translated by C. Pierson
ImprintTer Goude, printed by K. Dyvoort, (title-pages 2A1 and χ1: 1669)

Bibliographic information

Extent10.62 sheets
CollationA-D8 E4, 2A-B8 2C8(C2+χ1) 2D-E8 (B8 and E3,4 blank)
Fingerprint000008 - 1b1 A3 $te : 1b2 E a - 2b1 A2 n$si : 2b2 E5 der
Typographical featurestypeface Roman

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Original languageLatin
Year of publication1669
General NoteIncorporates: Vergilius, Aeneis, Dutch, Bk 8, 12, 1669
Uniform titleAeneis. Dutch. Bk 2,6,8,12

Persons responsible


Last Edit2022-12-14 12:44:20


one copy only bk 12
one copy only bk 12

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Title information

STCN ID05678306X
TitleHet tweede en sesde boek uit P. Virgilius Maroos Eneas. / Translated by C. Pierson
ImprintTer Goude, printed by K. Dyvoort, (title-pages 2A1 and χ1: 1669)

Bibliographic information

Extent10.62 sheets
CollationA-D8 E4, 2A-B8 2C8(C2+χ1) 2D-E8 (B8 and E3,4 blank)
Fingerprint000008 - 1b1 A3 $te : 1b2 E a - 2b1 A2 n$si : 2b2 E5 der
Typographical featurestypeface Roman

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Original languageLatin
Year of publication1669
General NoteIncorporates: Vergilius, Aeneis, Dutch, Bk 8, 12, 1669
Uniform titleAeneis. Dutch. Bk 2,6,8,12

Persons responsible

Author/ContributorVergilius Maro, P. [Author] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-14 12:44:20


one copy only bk 12
one copy only bk 12