Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/056055463 Nikolaus, von Holstein


STCN ID056055463
TitelBiblia, dat is De gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de canonijcke boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments
EditieCorrected and annotated edition
ImpressumDordrecht, (colophon 3H10v: printed by) H. and J. Keur, Amsteldam, M. Doornick in compagnie, 1682

Bibliografische informatie

Omvang351 vellen
Collatie*2 πa8 πb10 A-2O8 2P6, 2*2 2A-Q8 2R6, 3*2 χa10 a-v8 x4, 4*2 3A-G8 3H10
Vingerafdruk168202 - 1a1=1a2 *2 e$ - 1c1 (a) i,$ : 1c2 b6 .$1, - 1b1 A te$ : *1b2 2P3 s$wy$sijn - 2a1=2a2 (*2) ens$g - 2b1 A e : 2b2 R4 lver, - 3a1=3a2 *2 bore - *2c1 (a2) Doo : 2c2 (a6) ,$Act - 3b1 (a) ijd : 3b2 (x3) verkla - 4a1=4a2 (*2) et$te - 4b1 A h, : 4b2 H6 t$w
Typografische kenmerkentypografische titelpagina

Nadere informatie

Land van uitgaveNederland
Taal van publicatieNederlands
Jaar van uitgave1682
AnnotatieStatenvertaling (Authorized Version). Includes Apocrypha
Uniforme titelBible Dutch Statenvertaling


Record informatie

Soort publicatieMonografie
Statusgecontroleerd (v)
Voor het laatst bewerkt2022-12-11 14:04:22


with 6 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I, and plates, hand-coloured by D.J. van Santen
with 5 maps (lacks map 3) by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I, and plates, hand-coloured by D.J. van Santen. – IllustrationIllustration
defective; with 6 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I (map 1 defective; map 5-6 bound in reverse order) and plates
with 6 maps, hand-coloured by Dirck Jansz van Santen ; interleaved with additional plates by Jan Luyken, taken from P. Cunaeus, De republyk der Hebreen, 1683.
title-page defective; with 5 maps (lacks map 4) by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I
with 5 maps (lacks map 3) by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I, map 5 defective
with 6 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I; interleaved with engraved title-page and 130 engraved folia from M. Merian, Icones biblicæ (Bybel printen), Amsteldam, N. Visscher, 3rd quarter 17th century
with additional illustrations, after Merian
title-page defective; colophon `SUP`3`LO`H10 defective; `SUP`π`LO`a8 bound after `SUP`π`LO`a10, in reverse order; with 6 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I; map 1-2, 4-6 defective
with 5 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I; lacks map 4
folium `SUP`2`LO`C2 defective; with 5 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I, lacks world map; title-page and maps hand-coloured ; N.T. with additional engraved title-page, hand-coloured, from the Elzevier-edition 1663; interleaved with engraved title-page and plates of J. Luyken, Icones biblicae, 1729; lacks plates 2 and 53
Västerås, Stadsbibliotek : Teologi XV Biblar fol
lacks title-page


Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek: Band 5 C 4
Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek: Band 5 C 4

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STCN ID056055463
TitelBiblia, dat is De gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de canonijcke boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments
EditieCorrected and annotated edition
ImpressumDordrecht, (colophon 3H10v: printed by) H. and J. Keur, Amsteldam, M. Doornick in compagnie, 1682

Bibliografische informatie

Omvang351 vellen
Collatie*2 πa8 πb10 A-2O8 2P6, 2*2 2A-Q8 2R6, 3*2 χa10 a-v8 x4, 4*2 3A-G8 3H10
Vingerafdruk168202 - 1a1=1a2 *2 e$ - 1c1 (a) i,$ : 1c2 b6 .$1, - 1b1 A te$ : *1b2 2P3 s$wy$sijn - 2a1=2a2 (*2) ens$g - 2b1 A e : 2b2 R4 lver, - 3a1=3a2 *2 bore - *2c1 (a2) Doo : 2c2 (a6) ,$Act - 3b1 (a) ijd : 3b2 (x3) verkla - 4a1=4a2 (*2) et$te - 4b1 A h, : 4b2 H6 t$w
Typografische kenmerkentypografische titelpagina

Nadere informatie

Land van uitgaveNederland
Taal van publicatieNederlands
Jaar van uitgave1682
AnnotatieStatenvertaling (Authorized Version). Includes Apocrypha
Uniforme titelBible Dutch Statenvertaling


Record informatie

Soort publicatieMonografie
Statusgecontroleerd (v)
Voor het laatst bewerkt2022-12-11 14:04:22


with 6 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I, and plates, hand-coloured by D.J. van Santen
with 5 maps (lacks map 3) by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I, and plates, hand-coloured by D.J. van Santen. – IllustrationIllustration
defective; with 6 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I (map 1 defective; map 5-6 bound in reverse order) and plates
with 6 maps, hand-coloured by Dirck Jansz van Santen ; interleaved with additional plates by Jan Luyken, taken from P. Cunaeus, De republyk der Hebreen, 1683.
title-page defective; with 5 maps (lacks map 4) by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I
with 5 maps (lacks map 3) by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I, map 5 defective
with 6 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I; interleaved with engraved title-page and 130 engraved folia from M. Merian, Icones biblicæ (Bybel printen), Amsteldam, N. Visscher, 3rd quarter 17th century
with additional illustrations, after Merian
title-page defective; colophon `SUP`3`LO`H10 defective; `SUP`π`LO`a8 bound after `SUP`π`LO`a10, in reverse order; with 6 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I; map 1-2, 4-6 defective
with 5 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I; lacks map 4
folium `SUP`2`LO`C2 defective; with 5 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I, lacks world map; title-page and maps hand-coloured ; N.T. with additional engraved title-page, hand-coloured, from the Elzevier-edition 1663; interleaved with engraved title-page and plates of J. Luyken, Icones biblicae, 1729; lacks plates 2 and 53
Västerås, Stadsbibliotek : Teologi XV Biblar fol
lacks title-page