STCN ID056055463
TitelBiblia, dat is De gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de canonijcke boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments
AusgabeCorrected and annotated edition
ErscheinungsvermerkDordrecht, (colophon 3H10v: printed by) H. and J. Keur, Amsteldam, M. Doornick in compagnie, 1682
Bibliographische Daten
Umfang351 Druckbögen
Bogensignatur*2 πa8 πb10 A-2O8 2P6, 2*2 2A-Q8 2R6, 3*2 χa10 a-v8 x4, 4*2 3A-G8 3H10
Fingerprint168202 - 1a1=1a2 *2 e$ - 1c1 (a) i,$ : 1c2 b6 .$1, - 1b1 A te$ : *1b2 2P3 s$wy$sijn - 2a1=2a2 (*2) ens$g - 2b1 A e : 2b2 R4 lver, - 3a1=3a2 *2 bore - *2c1 (a2) Doo : 2c2 (a6) ,$Act - 3b1 (a) ijd : 3b2 (x3) verkla - 4a1=4a2 (*2) et$te - 4b1 A h, : 4b2 H6 t$w
Weitere Angaben
FußnotenStatenvertaling (Authorized Version). Includes Apocrypha
EinheitssachtitelBible Dutch Statenvertaling
Verantwortliche Personen
Letzte Änderung2022-12-11 14:04:22
with 6 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I, and plates, hand-coloured by D.J. van Santen
with 5 maps (lacks map 3) by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I, and plates, hand-coloured by D.J. van Santen. – Illustration ‐ Illustration
defective; with 6 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I (map 1 defective; map 5-6 bound in reverse order) and plates
with 6 maps, hand-coloured by Dirck Jansz van Santen ; interleaved with additional plates by Jan Luyken, taken from P. Cunaeus, De republyk der Hebreen, 1683.
title-page defective; with 5 maps (lacks map 4) by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I
with 5 maps (lacks map 3) by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I, map 5 defective
with 6 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I; interleaved with engraved title-page and 130 engraved folia from M. Merian, Icones biblicæ (Bybel printen), Amsteldam, N. Visscher, 3rd quarter 17th century
with additional illustrations, after Merian
title-page defective; colophon `SUP`3`LO`H10 defective; `SUP`π`LO`a8 bound after `SUP`π`LO`a10, in reverse order; with 6 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I; map 1-2, 4-6 defective
with 5 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I; lacks map 4
folium `SUP`2`LO`C2 defective; with 5 maps by B. Stoopendaal, printed by H. and J. Keur, Poortman & Augusteijn no. G I, lacks world map; title-page and maps hand-coloured ; N.T. with additional engraved title-page, hand-coloured, from the Elzevier-edition 1663; interleaved with engraved title-page and plates of J. Luyken, Icones biblicae, 1729; lacks plates 2 and 53