Scottish Book Trade Index

sbti/008014 Wilson, and Sinclair [Duncan]

Wilson, and Sinclair [Duncan]

Heading Wilson, and Sinclair [Duncan] [NLS-SBTI]
Dates of Activity1833-1846
Activity Notetypefounders
Place of ActivityEdinburgh CERL Thesaurus
1833-1834: Edinburgh: 29 New Street. CERL Thesaurus
1835-1838: Edinburgh: 27 New Street. CERL Thesaurus
1844-1846: Edinburgh: 29 New Street. CERL Thesaurus
Variant Name Duncan Sinclair & Sons, (1839)
*27 New Street, **Edinburgh
A. & P. Wilson, (1839-1843)
*27 New Street, **Edinburgh
SourceEdin Dir
Last Edit2016-11-16 12:00:00

Wilson, and Sinclair [Duncan]

Heading Wilson, and Sinclair [Duncan] [NLS-SBTI]
Dates of Activity1833-1846
Activity Notetypefounders
Place of ActivityEdinburgh CERL Thesaurus
1833-1834: Edinburgh: 29 New Street. CERL Thesaurus
1835-1838: Edinburgh: 27 New Street. CERL Thesaurus
1844-1846: Edinburgh: 29 New Street. CERL Thesaurus
Variant Name Duncan Sinclair & Sons, (1839)
*27 New Street, **Edinburgh
A. & P. Wilson, (1839-1843)
*27 New Street, **Edinburgh
SourceEdin Dir
Last Edit2016-11-16 12:00:00