Samuel Willison
HeadingSamuel Willison [NLS-SBTI]
Dates of Activity1755
Activity Noteprinter
General NoteSamuel Willison Turk's Close, Lawnmarket 1762
Prentice to Thomas Lumsden printer 15 November 1738 [as Samuel Wilson], Burgess as apprentice to Thomas Lumsden, printer 17 April 1754. "There is to be sold, by publick roup, the whole types, utensils, and stock of printing materials of the printing house in Turk's Close, Lawnmarket, which belonged to Samuel Willison, printer in Edinburgh, deceased." “Caledonian Mercury” 22 September 1762. The will of Samuel "Wilson" printer in Edinburgh was registered 28 September 1762.
See Also Samuel Willison and Company, (1755)
Craig's Closs, **Edinburgh
Variant NameSamuel WILSON
Last Edit2016-11-16 12:00:00