Rotch, Abbott Lawrence
Besitzer Id4572
Biographische Angaben1861 - 1912
weitere Information6 January 1861 (Boston) - 7 April 1912 (Milton, Mass.). Massachusetts Institute of Technology class of 1884. American meteorologist and founder of the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, built using his private funds the year he graduated; he bequeathed it to Harvard with an endowment. Harvard disassociated itself from the observatory in 1971, but kept the endowment.
Andere NamensformenRotch, A. Lawrence
Weitere Identifier
Beginn (Jahr)1885
Ende (Jahr)1912
MARC Area Coden-us-ma
OrtCambridge (Geonames Id: 4931972)
Beruf / Art der InstitutionGelehrter/Wissenschaftler
CharakterisierungKeine Characterisierung / Laie
Letzte Änderung2017-01-29 01:25:17