otherInformationEnd date approximate. Bookplate: «Bibliotheca Richteriana». Possibly the classical philologist born 1853, whose inaugural dissertation, Quaestiones Aeschylelae, was presented and printed in Berlin, 1878 (Paul Needham, personal communication). Listed in Richter's typewritten inventory compiled during the period 1915-19, MS. cover title "Bibliothek Richter, Wilhelm. 1919". San Marino, Huntington Library, formerly Z240.R53, now office of Curator of Rare Books [C. Dondi 26/02/18].
otherInformationEnd date approximate. Bookplate: «Bibliotheca Richteriana». Possibly the classical philologist born 1853, whose inaugural dissertation, Quaestiones Aeschylelae, was presented and printed in Berlin, 1878 (Paul Needham, personal communication). Listed in Richter's typewritten inventory compiled during the period 1915-19, MS. cover title "Bibliothek Richter, Wilhelm. 1919". San Marino, Huntington Library, formerly Z240.R53, now office of Curator of Rare Books [C. Dondi 26/02/18].