London, Bernard Quaritch Ltd.
Besitzer Id3460
Biographische Angaben1899-
weitere InformationBernard Quaritch (1817-1899) began as a bookseller in London in 1847; after his death in 1899, the business became a firm run first by his son Bernard Alfred Quaritch, and after his death in 1913, by the son's two sisters, with E. H. Dring as manager; the firm was converted into a limited company in 1917. [J. Lancaster, edited by Geri Della Rocca de Candal]
Andere NamensformenQuaritch Ltd., London
Bernard Quaritch (Firm)
Weitere Identifier
Beginn (Jahr)1899
MARC Area Codee-uk-en
Beruf / Art der InstitutionBuchhandel/Buchhändler
CharakterisierungKeine Characterisierung / Laie
Letzte Änderung2023-06-08 12:58:58