Gianfilippi, Paolino
Owner Id3112
Biographical dates - Period of existence1745 - 1827
Other InformationVerona, 1745-1827.
Conte and Marchese; Frati pp. 258-259. Most of Saibante’s collection later was purchased by Gianfilippi, who was acquiring large quantities of books from privates and institutions of the Veneto domains during the years of the end of the Venetian republic and consequent change of fortunes of many aristocratic and well off families of Verona, and the Neapoleonic suppressions of religious institutions. The impressive Gianfilippi collection was dispersed by the daughter Eugenia Teresa. Some 647 manuscripts (of which 119 were Saibante) were sold at auction in Paris over two years, 18 April - 2 May 1842, 23-31 January 1843, and 15-31 January 1844: Catalogue de manuscrits provenant des collections Saibante et Gianfilippi de Vérone, Paris, Imprimerie de Guiraudet et Jouaust-Maison Silvestre, 1842. The rest, i.e. 336 manuscripts and 17.000 printed books, among which 408 incunables, was purchased by the Comune of Verona for the Civica library (founded in 1792) at the price of 35.400 lire italiane (or 41000 lire austriache) in 1847; Mario Carrara, Le biblioteche dalle origini ai primi dell’Ottocento, in Cultura e vita civile a Verona. Uomini e istituzioni dall’epoca carolingia al Risorgimento, ed. Gian Paolo Marchi, Verona, Banca Popolare di Verona, 1979, pp. 99-164: 158.
[edited by Leana Carbonez]
Variant NamesFilippi
Other Identifier
Start (year)1745
End (year)1827
NoteAlla sua morte la biblioteca (che comprendeva anche quella di Giulio Saibante) fu in parte venduta (asta del 1843) a Parigi; il Comune di Verona acquistò per la Biblioteca Civica la parte residua nel 1847.
MARC Area Codee-it
Profession / Type of InstitutionScholar
Last Edit2021-01-13 18:01:51