Other InformationInitials in pencil dated 1583 have a small crossbar (a pen or knife?) on the final stroke of the W; the rightmost stroke of the A forms the leftmost stroke of the W; probably in Germany. -- Initials in ink, undated, written within an initial, one letter above the other, also probably 16th century, but different in form; probably in Austria.
Start (year)1583
End (year)1583
MARC Area Codee-gx
Profession / Type of InstitutionUnknown
Start (year)1501
End (year)1600
MARC Area Codee-au
Profession / Type of InstitutionUnknown
Last Edit2017-01-21 21:05:29
All Copies
A. W.
Owner Id2302
Other InformationInitials in pencil dated 1583 have a small crossbar (a pen or knife?) on the final stroke of the W; the rightmost stroke of the A forms the leftmost stroke of the W; probably in Germany. -- Initials in ink, undated, written within an initial, one letter above the other, also probably 16th century, but different in form; probably in Austria.
Start (year)1583
End (year)1583
MARC Area Codee-gx
Profession / Type of InstitutionUnknown
Start (year)1501
End (year)1600
MARC Area Codee-au
Profession / Type of InstitutionUnknown
Last Edit2017-01-21 21:05:29
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