Other InformationJoseph Gulston was an English collector and connoisseur. Hereafter a financial crisis, he sold his books in June 1784. George II was one of the purchasers at the sale.
Start (year)1701
End (year)1790
MARC Area Codee-uk
Profession / Type of InstitutionScholar
CharacterisationNo characterisation/lay
Last Edit2014-11-19 12:00:00
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Joseph Gulston
Owner Id2064
Biographical dates - Period of existence1745-1786
Other InformationJoseph Gulston was an English collector and connoisseur. Hereafter a financial crisis, he sold his books in June 1784. George II was one of the purchasers at the sale.
Start (year)1701
End (year)1790
MARC Area Codee-uk
Profession / Type of InstitutionScholar
CharacterisationNo characterisation/lay
Last Edit2014-11-19 12:00:00
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