Owners of Incunabula

owners/177 Cavagna, Giovanni Battista

Brandenburg, Hilprand

Possessore Id177
Estremi biografici1442-1514
Altre informazioniHilprand Brandenburg, di Biberach (Germania), era uno dei primi ad avere un' ex libris stampato. Ha lasciato più di 450 libri, manoscritti e stampati, al monastero di Buxheim (ordine certosino), presso Memmingen in Baviera. -- See Paul Needham, "The library of Hilprand Brandenburg", in Bibliothek und Wissenschaft 29 [1996], 95-125. [J. Lancaster]
of Biberach, canon of Stuttgart, donate priest of OCarth Buxheim to which he gave his library (according to Lilian Clark 450 books); woodcut bkpl., hand-colored (IPI; ISTC and BL Clark's slips) BMC V:
p. 155: IB.19574; p. 170: IB.19646. [A. Panzanelli]
Bod-inc: of Biberach, canon of Stuttgart; priest of Buxheim, to which he gave his library; see Victor Scholderer, 'Hilprand Brandenburg and his Books', Library, 5th ser., 4 (1950), 196-201; Paul Needham, 'The Library of Hilprand Brandenburg', Bibliothek und Wissenschaft, 29 (1996), 95-125; idem, 'Thirteen More Books from the Library of Hilprand Brandenburg', Einband Forschung, 4 (1999), 23-5; O. Auge, 'Frömmigkeit, Bildung, Bücherliebe—Konstanten im Leben des Buxheimer Kartäusers Hilprand Brandenburg (1442-1514)', in Bücher, Bibliotheken und Schriftkultur der Kartäuser: Festgabe zum 65. Geburtstag von Edward Potkowski, ed. S. Lorenz, Contubernium, 59 (Stuttgart, 2002), 399-421; Felix Oyens, 'Hilprand Brandenburg and his Books, 2', Library, 6th ser., 1 (1979), 81. https://aeolus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/collections/incunables/provenances_for_mei.xml#xpointer(//*[@id=
Varianti del nomeBrandenburg, Hilbrand


Inizio (anno)1442
Fine (anno)1467
NotaHe was born in Biberach, and aside from a few years as a student in Pavia and student, then professor, in Basel, he spent most of his life there until beginning his novitiate in Buxheim in 1505.
MARC Area Codee-gx
LuogoBiberach (Geonames Id: 2949423)


Inizio (anno)1467
Fine (anno)1469
NotaStudent in Pavia (overlapping with studies in Basel), possibly beginning earlier than 1467.
MARC Area Codee-it
LuogoPavia (Geonames Id: 3171366)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteStudente


Inizio (anno)1468
Fine (anno)1473
NotaStudent, then rector in Basel, before taking priestly vows. For dating his acquisition of printed books (from about 1469), see Needham (cited above).
MARC Area Codee-sz
LuogoBasel (Geonames Id: 2661604)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteStudente


Inizio (anno)1473
Fine (anno)1505
NotaAfter taking vows, he was a parish priest in Biberach (and perhaps for a time elsewhere), until entering Buxheim as a novice.
MARC Area Codee-gx
LuogoBiberach (Geonames Id: 2949423)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteEcclesiastico


Inizio (anno)1505
Fine (anno)1514
MARC Area Codee-gx
LuogoBuxheim (Geonames Id: 6556164)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteStudioso/erudito
Ultima modifica2018-11-04 05:46:08

Tutti gli esemplari

Brandenburg, Hilprand

Possessore Id177
Estremi biografici1442-1514
Altre informazioniHilprand Brandenburg, di Biberach (Germania), era uno dei primi ad avere un' ex libris stampato. Ha lasciato più di 450 libri, manoscritti e stampati, al monastero di Buxheim (ordine certosino), presso Memmingen in Baviera. -- See Paul Needham, "The library of Hilprand Brandenburg", in Bibliothek und Wissenschaft 29 [1996], 95-125. [J. Lancaster]
of Biberach, canon of Stuttgart, donate priest of OCarth Buxheim to which he gave his library (according to Lilian Clark 450 books); woodcut bkpl., hand-colored (IPI; ISTC and BL Clark's slips) BMC V:
p. 155: IB.19574; p. 170: IB.19646. [A. Panzanelli]
Bod-inc: of Biberach, canon of Stuttgart; priest of Buxheim, to which he gave his library; see Victor Scholderer, 'Hilprand Brandenburg and his Books', Library, 5th ser., 4 (1950), 196-201; Paul Needham, 'The Library of Hilprand Brandenburg', Bibliothek und Wissenschaft, 29 (1996), 95-125; idem, 'Thirteen More Books from the Library of Hilprand Brandenburg', Einband Forschung, 4 (1999), 23-5; O. Auge, 'Frömmigkeit, Bildung, Bücherliebe—Konstanten im Leben des Buxheimer Kartäusers Hilprand Brandenburg (1442-1514)', in Bücher, Bibliotheken und Schriftkultur der Kartäuser: Festgabe zum 65. Geburtstag von Edward Potkowski, ed. S. Lorenz, Contubernium, 59 (Stuttgart, 2002), 399-421; Felix Oyens, 'Hilprand Brandenburg and his Books, 2', Library, 6th ser., 1 (1979), 81. https://aeolus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/collections/incunables/provenances_for_mei.xml#xpointer(//*[@id=
Varianti del nomeBrandenburg, Hilbrand


Inizio (anno)1442
Fine (anno)1467
NotaHe was born in Biberach, and aside from a few years as a student in Pavia and student, then professor, in Basel, he spent most of his life there until beginning his novitiate in Buxheim in 1505.
MARC Area Codee-gx
LuogoBiberach (Geonames Id: 2949423)


Inizio (anno)1467
Fine (anno)1469
NotaStudent in Pavia (overlapping with studies in Basel), possibly beginning earlier than 1467.
MARC Area Codee-it
LuogoPavia (Geonames Id: 3171366)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteStudente


Inizio (anno)1468
Fine (anno)1473
NotaStudent, then rector in Basel, before taking priestly vows. For dating his acquisition of printed books (from about 1469), see Needham (cited above).
MARC Area Codee-sz
LuogoBasel (Geonames Id: 2661604)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteStudente


Inizio (anno)1473
Fine (anno)1505
NotaAfter taking vows, he was a parish priest in Biberach (and perhaps for a time elsewhere), until entering Buxheim as a novice.
MARC Area Codee-gx
LuogoBiberach (Geonames Id: 2949423)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteEcclesiastico


Inizio (anno)1505
Fine (anno)1514
MARC Area Codee-gx
LuogoBuxheim (Geonames Id: 6556164)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteStudioso/erudito
Ultima modifica2018-11-04 05:46:08