--- _id: 177 data: activity: - areaCode: e-gx end: 1467 geonamesId: 2949423 place: Biberach start: 1442 timespanNote: 'He was born in Biberach, and aside from a few years as a student in Pavia and student, then professor, in Basel, he spent most of his life there until beginning his novitiate in Buxheim in 1505.' - areaCode: e-it characterisation: noc end: 1469 geonamesId: 3171366 place: Pavia professionOrType: stu start: 1467 timespanNote: 'Student in Pavia (overlapping with studies in Basel), possibly beginning earlier than 1467.' - areaCode: e-sz characterisation: noc end: 1473 geonamesId: 2661604 place: Basel professionOrType: stu start: 1468 timespanNote: 'Student, then rector in Basel, before taking priestly vows. For dating his acquisition of printed books (from about 1469), see Needham (cited above).' - areaCode: e-gx characterisation: rel end: 1505 geonamesId: 2949423 place: Biberach professionOrType: cle start: 1473 timespanNote: 'After taking vows, he was a parish priest in Biberach (and perhaps for a time elsewhere), until entering Buxheim as a novice.' - areaCode: e-gx characterisation: rel end: 1514 geonamesId: 6556164 place: Buxheim professionOrType: scl start: 1505 biographicalInformation: 1442-1514 gender: 1002 name: 'Brandenburg, Hilprand ' note: |- Hilprand Brandenburg, di Biberach (Germania), era uno dei primi ad avere un' ex libris stampato. Ha lasciato più di 450 libri, manoscritti e stampati, al monastero di Buxheim (ordine certosino), presso Memmingen in Baviera. -- See Paul Needham, "The library of Hilprand Brandenburg", in Bibliothek und Wissenschaft 29 [1996], 95-125. [J. Lancaster] of Biberach, canon of Stuttgart, donate priest of OCarth Buxheim to which he gave his library (according to Lilian Clark 450 books); woodcut bkpl., hand-colored (IPI; ISTC and BL Clark's slips) BMC V: p. 155: IB.19574; p. 170: IB.19646. [A. Panzanelli] Bod-inc: of Biberach, canon of Stuttgart; priest of Buxheim, to which he gave his library; see Victor Scholderer, 'Hilprand Brandenburg and his Books', Library, 5th ser., 4 (1950), 196-201; Paul Needham, 'The Library of Hilprand Brandenburg', Bibliothek und Wissenschaft, 29 (1996), 95-125; idem, 'Thirteen More Books from the Library of Hilprand Brandenburg', Einband Forschung, 4 (1999), 23-5; O. Auge, 'Frömmigkeit, Bildung, Bücherliebe—Konstanten im Leben des Buxheimer Kartäusers Hilprand Brandenburg (1442-1514)', in Bücher, Bibliotheken und Schriftkultur der Kartäuser: Festgabe zum 65. Geburtstag von Edward Potkowski, ed. S. Lorenz, Contubernium, 59 (Stuttgart, 2002), 399-421; Felix Oyens, 'Hilprand Brandenburg and his Books, 2', Library, 6th ser., 1 (1979), 81. https://aeolus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/collections/incunables/provenances_for_mei.xml#xpointer(//*[@id= type: per variants: - 'Brandenburg, Hilbrand' meta: history: - timestamp: 2014-11-19T12:00:00Z - timestamp: 2016-01-20T09:18:41 - timestamp: 2016-01-20T09:20:14 - timestamp: 2016-04-13T20:05:54 - timestamp: 2016-04-13T20:07:53 - timestamp: 2016-04-13T20:08:55 - timestamp: 2017-03-25T09:01:27 - timestamp: 2017-07-23T22:55:08 - timestamp: 2017-10-28T23:23:00 - timestamp: 2018-11-04T05:46:08