Owners of Incunabula

owners/00035370 Salveld, Johann Friedrich

Sophianos, Nikolaos

Possessore Id00035370
Estremi biografici1500-1553
Altre informazioniApproximate dates.
Varianti del nomeΣοφιανός, Νικόλαος
Sophianos, Nicolaus
Sofianos, Nikolaos
Altro identificativohttps://data.cerl.org/thesaurus/cnp01240095


Inizio (anno)1500
Fine (anno)1553
NotaNikolaos Sophianos was a Greek Renaissance humanist scholar and cartographer, chiefly noted for his Totius Graeciae Descriptio map and his grammar of Greek. He was born to a noble family of Corfu at the beginning of the 16th century and was educated at the Greek Quirinal College in Rome. Sophianos spent most of his life in Italy: in Rome where he became a librarian, and in Venice where he worked as a copyist.
MARC Area Codee-it
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteStudioso/erudito
Ultima modifica2022-12-07 09:44:09

Tutti gli esemplari

Sophianos, Nikolaos

Possessore Id00035370
Estremi biografici1500-1553
Altre informazioniApproximate dates.
Varianti del nomeΣοφιανός, Νικόλαος
Sophianos, Nicolaus
Sofianos, Nikolaos
Altro identificativohttps://data.cerl.org/thesaurus/cnp01240095


Inizio (anno)1500
Fine (anno)1553
NotaNikolaos Sophianos was a Greek Renaissance humanist scholar and cartographer, chiefly noted for his Totius Graeciae Descriptio map and his grammar of Greek. He was born to a noble family of Corfu at the beginning of the 16th century and was educated at the Greek Quirinal College in Rome. Sophianos spent most of his life in Italy: in Rome where he became a librarian, and in Venice where he worked as a copyist.
MARC Area Codee-it
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteStudioso/erudito
Ultima modifica2022-12-07 09:44:09