Other Information"Sevastos Kyminites was an important scholar of the 17th century. He was a sought after scholar of his period and was active in many intellectual centres (Constantinople, Trebizond, Bucharest). His name is closely related to the foundation of the “Frontistirion”of Trebizond and the resulting intellectual flourish of the Greek Orthodox Christians of Pontos" (Foundation of the Hellenic World).
Variant NamesSevastos Kiminitis
Sebastos Kyminites
Σεβαστός Κυμινήτης, ο Τραπεζούντιος
Other Identifierhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevastos_Kyminitis
Start (year)1630
End (year)1702
Profession / Type of InstitutionScholar
CharacterisationNo characterisation/lay
Last Edit2022-12-27 14:45:22
All Copies
Kyminites, Sevastos
Owner Id00035260
Biographical dates - Period of existence1630-1702
Other Information"Sevastos Kyminites was an important scholar of the 17th century. He was a sought after scholar of his period and was active in many intellectual centres (Constantinople, Trebizond, Bucharest). His name is closely related to the foundation of the “Frontistirion”of Trebizond and the resulting intellectual flourish of the Greek Orthodox Christians of Pontos" (Foundation of the Hellenic World).
Variant NamesSevastos Kiminitis
Sebastos Kyminites
Σεβαστός Κυμινήτης, ο Τραπεζούντιος
Other Identifierhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevastos_Kyminitis
Start (year)1630
End (year)1702
Profession / Type of InstitutionScholar
CharacterisationNo characterisation/lay
Last Edit2022-12-27 14:45:22
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