Owners of Incunabula

owners/00034799 Boone, Nathan

Tzagkarollos, Venedictos, hieromonk

Possessore Id00034799
Estremi biografici-1636
Altre informazioniGreek Orthodox hieromonk from the island of Melos, probably from a Cretan family. In 1626 he became the abbot of the Monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos, where some books from his personal collection are found.
Approximate dates.
Varianti del nomeTzagkarollos, Benedictus, hieromonk
Τζαγκαρόλος, Βενέδικτος, ιερομόναχος
Τζαγκαρόλλος, Βενέδικτος, ιερομόναχος
Τζαγκαρέλλος, Βενέδικτος, ιερομόναχος
Altro identificativohttps://www.searchculture.gr/aggregator/edm/kemnepp/000126-45422


Inizio (anno)1626
NotaIn 1626, Venedictos became the abbot of the Monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos.
MARC Area Codee-gr
LuogoPatmos (Geonames Id: 255688)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteEcclesiastico
Ultima modifica2022-09-26 11:55:12

Tutti gli esemplari

Tzagkarollos, Venedictos, hieromonk

Possessore Id00034799
Estremi biografici-1636
Altre informazioniGreek Orthodox hieromonk from the island of Melos, probably from a Cretan family. In 1626 he became the abbot of the Monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos, where some books from his personal collection are found.
Approximate dates.
Varianti del nomeTzagkarollos, Benedictus, hieromonk
Τζαγκαρόλος, Βενέδικτος, ιερομόναχος
Τζαγκαρόλλος, Βενέδικτος, ιερομόναχος
Τζαγκαρέλλος, Βενέδικτος, ιερομόναχος
Altro identificativohttps://www.searchculture.gr/aggregator/edm/kemnepp/000126-45422


Inizio (anno)1626
NotaIn 1626, Venedictos became the abbot of the Monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos.
MARC Area Codee-gr
LuogoPatmos (Geonames Id: 255688)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteEcclesiastico
Ultima modifica2022-09-26 11:55:12