Owners of Incunabula

owners/00033421 Schulz von Straßnitzki, Leopold Ludwig

Miechów, Order of the Holy Sepulchre

Possessore Id00033421
Estremi biografici1170-1819
Altre informazioniThe order was brought from the Holy Land in 1163 by Jaksa of Miechów. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was consecrated in 1170. The monastery was dissolved in 1819. In 1736 the greater part of the famous library burned down in a fire.
Varianti del nomeMiechów, Bożogrobcy
Conventus Miechoviensis
Miechów, Ordo Sancti Sepulcri Hierosolymitani
Miechów, Canonici regolari del Santo Sepolcro
Miechów, Chanoines réguliers du Saint-Sépulcre
Miechów, Chorherren vom Heiligen Grab
Altro identificativohttps://data.cerl.org/thesaurus/cnc00009198


Inizio (anno)1170
Fine (anno)1819
MARC Area Codee-pl
LuogoMiechów (Geonames Id: 764917)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteBiblioteca
Ultima modifica2021-07-15 08:55:54

Tutti gli esemplari

Miechów, Order of the Holy Sepulchre

Possessore Id00033421
Estremi biografici1170-1819
Altre informazioniThe order was brought from the Holy Land in 1163 by Jaksa of Miechów. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was consecrated in 1170. The monastery was dissolved in 1819. In 1736 the greater part of the famous library burned down in a fire.
Varianti del nomeMiechów, Bożogrobcy
Conventus Miechoviensis
Miechów, Ordo Sancti Sepulcri Hierosolymitani
Miechów, Canonici regolari del Santo Sepolcro
Miechów, Chanoines réguliers du Saint-Sépulcre
Miechów, Chorherren vom Heiligen Grab
Altro identificativohttps://data.cerl.org/thesaurus/cnc00009198


Inizio (anno)1170
Fine (anno)1819
MARC Area Codee-pl
LuogoMiechów (Geonames Id: 764917)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteBiblioteca
Ultima modifica2021-07-15 08:55:54