Other InformationFloruit. Inscription by his nephew in same volume gives the death date of "Juan de çalamea" as 27 April 1588. Earlier inscriptions with signatures resembling that name are assumed to be by that individual.
Variant NamesÇalamea, Juan de
Start (year)1525
End (year)1588
MARC Area Codee-sp
Last Edit2023-09-27 22:13:59
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Zalamea, Juan de
Owner Id00028275
Biographical dates - Period of existence1525-1588
Other InformationFloruit. Inscription by his nephew in same volume gives the death date of "Juan de çalamea" as 27 April 1588. Earlier inscriptions with signatures resembling that name are assumed to be by that individual.
Variant NamesÇalamea, Juan de
Start (year)1525
End (year)1588
MARC Area Codee-sp
Last Edit2023-09-27 22:13:59
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