Sir Henry S. Wellcome
Besitzer Id00024361
Biographische Angaben1853-1936
weitere InformationBorn in the USA, moved to the United Kingdom in 1880, where, with Silas Mainville Burroughs, Wellcome founded a pharmaceutical company. Burroughs and Wellcome established a number of UK research laboratories and manufacturing sites throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, during which time they introduced the sale of medicine in tablet form to England. Throughout his career, Wellcome travelled extensively and collected a vast range of objects relating to histories of health, illness, and medicine. Among this collection, which from Wellcome's death in 1936 entered into the ownership of the Wellcome Trust, there exists a large quantity of early printed books drawn from a diverse range of subjects. Wellcome collected the majority of his incunabula over a period of forty years, from around 1897 to his death in 1936.
Beginn (Jahr)1897
Ende (Jahr)1936
MARC Area Codee-uk-en
Beruf / Art der InstitutionBuchhandel/Buchhändler
CharakterisierungKeine Characterisierung / Laie
Letzte Änderung2019-06-25 11:10:20