Pesaro, Benjamin
Possessore Id00021640
Estremi biografici1700-1800
Altre informazioniCollector of Jewish manuscripts and printed books, among them Biblical texts, Biblical and Talmudic commentaries, Aggada, Kaabala, Jewish law, philosophy, disputations, rhetoric, rabbinical responsa (informed by Fabrizio Quaglia).
Manuscripts are presented on the Ktiv website, see under קנין כספי בנימין פיסארו.
For printed books, besides the NLI copies, see S. M. Iakerson, Еврейские инкунабулы. Oписание экземпляров, хранящихся в библиотеках Москвы и Ленинграда (Hebrew Incunabula. Description of Publications Kept in Libraries of Moscow and Leningrad, Leningrad), Leningrad 1988, nos. 42 (p. 113) and 66 (157). One more Hebrew incunabulum currently at Cambridge (MA), Harvard University, Houghton Library GEN, Hebrew 2000.9*, recorded in website Footprints <>.
Perhaps from Ferrara or a nearby town, since some manuscripts he owned are clearly connected to a restricted segment of the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna (Cento, Crevalcore and Ferrara) and surname Pesaro is particularly attested in Ferrara since 17th century.
Among the manuscripts bearing his note of ownership there are a few from 18th century.
Varianti del nomeפיסארו, בנימין
פיסארו, בניימין
Pesaro, Binyamin
Inizio (anno)1700
Fine (anno)1800
MARC Area Codee-it
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteSconosciuta
Ultima modifica2019-12-25 10:02:14