Owners of Incunabula

owners/00021399 00021399

Ramsau, Bavaria, Augustinian Hermits, BVM, SS. Augustinus and Georgius, OESA

Possessore Id00021399
Estremi biografici1412-1802
Altre informazioniThe Augustinian Monastery, consecrated to St. Mary, St. Augustine and St. George, in Ramsau (municipality of Reichertsheim) in Bavaria, belonged to the Diocese of Freising.
It was founded in 1412 by Jörg von Frauenberg and it was dissolved in 1802 in the course of secularization.
Bod-inc: founded 1412, dissolved 1802; see Krämer II 666; Hemmerle, Augustiner-Eremiten, 73-6; Kunzelmann III 122, 201-11 et passim, mainly notes 743-90; Historische Kataloge, 378-80.
Altro identificativohttps://aeolus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/collections/incunables/provenances_for_mei.xml#xpointer(//*[@id="2970"])


Inizio (anno)1412
Fine (anno)1802
MARC Area Codee-gx
LuogoRamsau (Geonames Id: 2850603)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteIstituzione religiosa
Ultima modifica2022-08-04 07:46:38

Tutti gli esemplari

Ramsau, Bavaria, Augustinian Hermits, BVM, SS. Augustinus and Georgius, OESA

Possessore Id00021399
Estremi biografici1412-1802
Altre informazioniThe Augustinian Monastery, consecrated to St. Mary, St. Augustine and St. George, in Ramsau (municipality of Reichertsheim) in Bavaria, belonged to the Diocese of Freising.
It was founded in 1412 by Jörg von Frauenberg and it was dissolved in 1802 in the course of secularization.
Bod-inc: founded 1412, dissolved 1802; see Krämer II 666; Hemmerle, Augustiner-Eremiten, 73-6; Kunzelmann III 122, 201-11 et passim, mainly notes 743-90; Historische Kataloge, 378-80.
Altro identificativohttps://aeolus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/collections/incunables/provenances_for_mei.xml#xpointer(//*[@id="2970"])


Inizio (anno)1412
Fine (anno)1802
MARC Area Codee-gx
LuogoRamsau (Geonames Id: 2850603)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteIstituzione religiosa
Ultima modifica2022-08-04 07:46:38