Other InformationSale of his library, Paris, 1932. The inscription "A Barbet" on a front endleaf is identified with this man, as noted on some copies in the sale.
Variant NamesBarbet, A.
Other Identifierhttps://lccn.loc.gov/no2012023188
Start (year)1875
End (year)1931
MARC Area Codee-fr
Profession / Type of InstitutionUnknown
Last Edit2018-06-23 22:44:10
All Copies
Barbet, Louis-Alexandre
Owner Id00018538
Biographical dates - Period of existence1850-1931
Other InformationSale of his library, Paris, 1932. The inscription "A Barbet" on a front endleaf is identified with this man, as noted on some copies in the sale.
Variant NamesBarbet, A.
Other Identifierhttps://lccn.loc.gov/no2012023188
Start (year)1875
End (year)1931
MARC Area Codee-fr
Profession / Type of InstitutionUnknown
Last Edit2018-06-23 22:44:10
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