Owners of Incunabula

owners/00016618 00016618

Snellen van Vollenhoven, Samuel Constant

Owner Id00016618
Biographical dates - Period of existence1816-1880
Other InformationSnellen van Vollenhoven was an Entomologist. See: Krikken, J., C. van Achterbert, P.H. van Doesburg, R. de Jong and K.W.Zwart. 1981. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 124: 235-268; http://www.museum.unl.edu/research/entomology/workers/SVollenhoven.htm.

For the catalogue of his auctions in 1880-1881, see (The Hague, KB, Verz. Cat. 4794, N 165).


Start (year)1816
End (year)1880
MARC Area Codee-ne
PlaceThe Hague (Geonames Id: 2747373)
Profession / Type of InstitutionScholar
CharacterisationNo characterisation/lay
Last Edit2017-05-11 13:42:01

All Copies

Snellen van Vollenhoven, Samuel Constant

Owner Id00016618
Biographical dates - Period of existence1816-1880
Other InformationSnellen van Vollenhoven was an Entomologist. See: Krikken, J., C. van Achterbert, P.H. van Doesburg, R. de Jong and K.W.Zwart. 1981. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 124: 235-268; http://www.museum.unl.edu/research/entomology/workers/SVollenhoven.htm.

For the catalogue of his auctions in 1880-1881, see (The Hague, KB, Verz. Cat. 4794, N 165).


Start (year)1816
End (year)1880
MARC Area Codee-ne
PlaceThe Hague (Geonames Id: 2747373)
Profession / Type of InstitutionScholar
CharacterisationNo characterisation/lay
Last Edit2017-05-11 13:42:01