Girolamo da Cremona
Besitzer Id00015164
Biographische Angaben1430-1500
weitere InformationApproximate dates. The artist was active in the second half of the 15th century. Among the major miniaturists specialised in book decoration in the centre and North of Italy: Ferrara (he worked for the duke of Ferrara, his hand is found in the celebrated Bibbia di Borso d'Este), Mantova, Siena. [F. Toniolo, entry in DBI, 56 2001].
Andere NamensformenCorradi, Girolamo di Zanino
Corradi, Girolamo di Giovanni
Weitere Identifiercnp00585342
Beginn (Jahr)1450
Ende (Jahr)1500
MARC Area Codee-it
Anmerkung zur geogr. RegionGirolamo was likely born in Mantua, he worked in various areas of the North-East and Center of Italy: Ferrara, Mantua, Padua, Siena.
Beruf / Art der InstitutionBuchhandel/Buchhändler
CharakterisierungKeine Characterisierung / Laie
Letzte Änderung2016-06-30 12:09:40